Czasy: Past Simple, Past Continous, Present Perfect i Czasowniki nieregularne j. Angielski
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Past Simple Okreś. charakter.: yesterday, when, in 1995, ago, last, itp. Używamy: -ed, did, didn’t, nieregularnych czasowników Past Continous Używamy: was, were Present Perfect Okreś. charakter.: already, just, yet, for, since, ever Używamy: have, has arise arose arisen pojawić się awake awoke awoken obudzić be (am/is/are) was, were been być bear bore borne znosić, udźwignąć…

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Toward Sustainable Recovery – j. Angielski
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Prior to the latest crisis, the Suchocka government had made considerable progress in ensuring a stable macroeconomic framework and in pursuing structural reforms. Against baseline projections that pointed to a 1993 deficit in excess of 10 percent of GDP, the government steered through parliament a budget that incorporates revenue increases and measures to reduce expenditures…

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Progress in Economic Reform – j. Angielski
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After two very difficult years, economic conditions in Poland improved during 1992. Despite the uncertainty in statistical information that still prevents a full assessment of the growth in private sector activity, the signs of recovery are unmistakable. Industrial production rose by 14.5 percent over the December 1991 level, driven by a healthy expansion of exports.…

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Political Developments – j. Angielski
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In 1989 Poland took the lead among Eastern European countries in transition toward democratic market economics. However, the arrangements that led to the political changes also created an unstable situation, which has been dramatized by recent political developments. The Mazowiecki and Bielecki governments managed to engineer the courageous reforms of 1990 and maintain reasonably good…

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Through the Holocaust – j. Angielski
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On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and thus precipitated the Second World War. On September 17 Soviet troops invaded Poland from the east. The German occupation started. German authorities proceeded methodically to exterminate a large part of the population by massacres and starvation and in the extermination camps such as Oswiecim. The worst fate…

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The Restoration – j. Angielski
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The First World War (1914-18) gave Poland an opportunity to recover its independence. Poland was declared an independent republic of 11 November 1918. In 1926 democratic government was suspended by a military coup d’Žtat that made Jozef Pilsudzki virtual dictator. After his death Rydz-Smigly took over control. Oceń Zaloguj się aby ocenić artykuł…

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