Racism. j. Angielski
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Racism has become one of the many burdens amongst multi-cultural worlds like Canada and the States. Racism is a part of each and every one of us. No doubt, we are all racist, but the term racism has been used too loosely. Racism has been mutated to such an extent that it could be a…

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Plastic surgery reflects human vanity INCREASED POPULARITY OF COSMETIC SURGERY REFLECTS HUMAN VANITY Plastic surgery is the easiest, the most popular and the most effective way to bring back youth,beauty and satisfaction of one’s apperance. Not only in America it’s fairly as common as dentist visit. Surgery is one of the fastest developing branches of…

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Our environment j. Angielski
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Our environment. All of us realize, that contamination of the environment is one of the main problems in today’s world. Ecologists warn us that air, water and soil are more and more polluted. People cut down forests which are a very important source of oxygen. We dump sewage to rivers and seas and don’t think…

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Media j. Angielski
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Media Newspapers There is no “national press” in the United States, as it is in the British Kingdom. The main reason for this is that mostly the local newspapers are read in the U.S.A. However some of the newspapers can be found throughout the country (for example The Wall Street Journal). Reading the Sunday paper…

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FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES Special Topic: Future technologiesPrognoses of the future technical developmentNobody really can say in which direction our science goes. There are so many different subjects that can revolutionise the whole world. Here are some examples of these future technologies: GENE ENGINEERINGThe scientists think that they will have completely decoded the DNA (Desoxy Ribo Nuclein…

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FAST FOOD j. Angielski
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Fast food chains Fast food is food which is prepared and served quickly at outlets called fast-food restaurants. It is a multi-billion dollar industry which continues to rapidly grow in many countries, as fewer people are eating at home. Ten years ago, they were practically unheard of by most of people. Nowadays their attitude to…

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FASHION j. Angielski
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Keeping up with fashion Nowadays keeping up with fashion become more than necessity, it become obligatory. What is name being fashion and different than others means to be “cool”. Originally fashion was connected with quality clothes of famous brands, but during the time point of view has changed and now we can add to this…

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