Czy sądzisz że powinno karać się za posiadanie narkotyków. j. Angielski

You can buy different kinds of drugs almost everywhere. Nowadays many young people turn to drugs because they believe they help to relax, deal with sterss and problems of their life. They think that taking drugs is the best way-out. In fact reality is different. Drugs lead to depression. There is a danger of addiction after regular taking. What is more, they can cause serious medical disorders which may lead to death. That is why people who have or sell drugs should be severly punished .
Skrytykuj koleżankę , która oglada tv przez wiele godzin – powiedz jej że jest to szkodliwe
Mary your eyes are red. I think you have been staring at a tv screen for a long time. Don’t you know that tv can have negative effects on people. First of all, the more we watch the more passive we become. Instead of going for a walk we prefer to sit in a comfortable armchair, eating sweets and crisp. You should know that this way of spending free time is not good for our health. Moreover, watching tv is time consuming and we often do not have time to meet with friends, we don’t express our feelings and emotions- so we can say that our social life is in danger. In my opinion everything is for people but we should use it properly not doing harm to ourselves. Remember it Mary.


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