Discus some most common problems of young people. j. Angielski

Discus some most common problems of young people.

Youth is a time when you can decide about your future life.

You can choose way for your life and it can be good or bad.

You can prepare your life to live with loving wife and family or you can become unhappy person or even a criminal.

Many people say that it is very good because you can decide yourself what way you want to choose, but I think that young people sometimes do not know what to choose and what is evil – that’s why they often take drugs and abuse alcohol.
Many people think that being a teenager is some very good thing – you do not have to carry about most things and you can do with your life whatever you want, but it is not as nice as they think.

Young people have to learn a lot – if they want to have a good job in their’s future.

They stay about 8 hours at the school and they must also learn a lot at home.

When you are young generally you live with parents so you do not have to carry about many things – you leave it them. You often get pocket money and you can buy something for yourself.


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