Opisz wypadek którego byłeś świadkiem opowiedz co stało się z ofiarą/ ofiarami wypadku. j. Angielski

The sun was shining it was warm and sunny day. In the morning I decided to take may dog for a long walk.While I was walking along the street I saw a child riding on his bike. I was a little bit surprised because I couldn’t see anyone that would take care of the boy. All of a sudden when a child was trying to cross the street a car appeared out of nowhere. The boy fell down out of his bike, he burst into tears when he saw blood which was dropping from his elbows and knees. I came to him and tried to keep him calm . Fortunatelly, it was not a serious accident. I took the child to his house and explained everything to his parents. The boy had bruised elbows and knees. As you can see this story has a happy ending.


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