Terrorism j. Angielski



This is the act of violence against private citizens, society and nations involving casualties or even death of innocent people. It is difficult to understand why do they do it? The answer is because they can’t see other ways of solving their problems and because they don’t want to know it won’t help at all.

The world is not just. There are rich powerful countries which dominate the world and there are little, unimportant countries, usually very poor. Some people from these little poor countries don’t agree with their destiny and they start to fight. This is an act of blind despair. They have nothing to lose but their lives but they don’t mind. Some terrorists live in Western Europe or the United States but they come from these poor countries. The majority of them are Islam religion. The world has not heard about suicide terrorists since the Japanese kamikaze pilots in the World War II. The western civilisation cannot understand such acts of despair.

But even in such rich countries like the Unites States there are a lot of people who live on the verge of poverty. The world has never been just and will never be. We cannot usually have everything we want. The world is such and nobody will change it.

Terrorism has always been but not only did we realize the threat of terrorism when the World Trade Center twin towers were hit by two passenger planes on September 11,2001. The world could see that the most powerful country, with the most powerful army, spending huge amounts of money on weapons, country that has two organisations like CIA and FBI, is in fact venerable for act of terror.

Terrorists found a new way- suicide-bombing, plane crashing. They no longer shoot politicians.
The can be replaced with new ones. Much more impressive is killing innocent people who never saw them or heard about them.

The latest example of war against terror is Israel’s war against Palestinians. Palestinians have shot and planted bombs m shopping centres, blown up cars and buses full of innocent people for many years. Sharon, the president of Israel, decided they’ve had enough of it. They invaded Palestinians and imprisoned Palestinian leader Arafat. Israel followed the same way like the United States that invaded Afghanistan where Osama-bin Laden, a leading terrorist who was responsible for WCT destruction, was supposed to have his terrorist network and training bases.

This doesn’t help much. The war made thousands of people suffering and homeless. But we can still see acts of terror. Let’s take for example the shoe bomber. The man who was flying to America had bombs in his shoe soles. The world is gradually sliding to the verge of destruction. What is the next step? Bio-terrorism or nuclear terrorism, terrorist may use the weapon of mass destruction any time. The number of victims will be tremendous. What can we do? We should be watchful and help fight possible acts of terror. We should follow the passengers of the plane who captured the shoe-bomber and prevented explosion. They saved their lives.


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